Lupus Ontario Autoimmune Panel Discussion:

November 27, 2021

Our special guests were: 

Linda Keill, President of Lupus Ontario

Dr. Leslie Laing, President of Sjogren’s Society of Canada

Jan Nitti, Board of Directors with Raynaud’s Association of America

Jacqueline Fraser, Fibromyalgia London Group

Danielle Hogg, Occupational Therapist with the Arthritis Society


Each panelist provided a 15-minute presentation introducing their role and organization. They then discussed what support/resources/activities they offer their members and how our members can get involved.  There was also a 20-30 minute question and answer period at the end of all the presentations.  

Download PDF’s of the Presentations:

Arthritis Society PDFRaynaud’s Association of America PDFSjogrens Society of Canada PDFFibromyalgia London Group PDF